Monday, October 17, 2022

Info Wart

What is this thing?

I know it's not human. 

Oh it eats and breathes and walks and talks like a human. But no human I know would behave like this. No human I know takes such delight in the pain of other human beings. This thing takes in oxygen but expels a toxic sulfurous cloud of hatred 24 hours a day. No, this is not a human.

I know it's not American.

Americans I know are generous, compassionate, caring people who understand they have won life's lottery and want to share the blessings of this once great country. Americans I know smile at each other. Say good morning to strangers. Hold doors open for other Americans. And generally want to leave this world better than the way they found it. Maybe that changed in 2016, I'm hoping that was just an anomaly.

And I know it's not a man.

It peacocks around with all the facsimiles of a man, strength, bravado, determination, but those are only to mask its massive insecurity, ignorance and frailty. Because only a weak, pathetic imitation of man would take delight in the unimaginable pain of parents grieving the loss of a child. 

And not only revel in that, but hawk his snake oil weight loss and muscle building dietary supplements (which it obviously does not use) while these devastated mothers and fathers bury their bullet-ridden children.

Last week I watched a split screen presentation of a judge reading out the compensatory damages for each of these thing's defamatory offenses. Offenses which by the way resulted in harassment and death threats from Red Hat Ammosexuals who were convinced this shooting in Newton, Connecticut which mowed down 20 6 year old CHILDREN was staged to make gun nuts look bad. Newsflash: you people who love your AR-15's more than little kids don't need any assistance in that arena.

While the judge was parsing out the $1 billion judgment, this creature was jumping for joy and salivating over the climbing numbers. Not sure I've ever felt such disgust in my life.

I know a little about deep eviscerating grief. 

But nothing can compare to that of a parent who has suddenly and inexplicably lost a tiny child, who will never have a 7th birthday, a graduation, a marriage, or a life. And to have that grief compounded exponentially by a fat turdbag is just beyond the pale. This creature has for all intents and purposes become the lily-white spokes-hole of today's Republican Party.


Devoid of decency.

Conspicuously and spectacularly un-Christian, in thought and manner.

I don't know what this thing is. 

I only know it's alive. And wish it wouldn't be.

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