Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Deaf Con 3

This guy has been on a tear lately. His name is Kanye. Or Ye. Or Yeezy. Or Big Dopey AssClown, as I like to call him.

Lately, he's been spewing antisemitic bullshit whenever he finds himself in front of a microphone. And if it hasn't been clear, I'm not a fan of antisemites. 

Whether they're black, like Cheesey Yeezy. 

Or white, like Marjorie Failer Green. 

Or orange, like Captain Fuckknuckle.

I wrote about this talentless crapper about a week and half ago on my Facebook page and caught some flack from several readers who claimed this mentally deficient schmuck was a genius. The same guy who famously and unashamedly said, "I don't read books."  

You know, like most conservatives.

He may have some musical ability -- none of which are apparent to me -- but that doesn't make him a genius. The fact is, I don't care for rap music. Even this statement brought about some heat. And some pretty unfair inferences. 

Last time I checked, musical tastes were completely subjective. And not subject to broad brush painting.

I don't like country western music, Jackson Pollack paintings, the writing of Ernest Hemingway or whatever it is Rothko does that merits such high praise. 

What does that say about me? 

But as previously mentioned I don't like antisemites. Particularly when they are given a bullhorn and can spew their ignorant bullshit and incite violence and even more hate.

And so, I'm gonna jump on my little soapbox and fight back. 

I was particularly amused by his statement that, "we are Semite, we Jew, so I can't be antisemite." Schizophrenic syntax aside, what the fuck does that mean? 

It should be pointed out there there are tribes in Ethiopia that identify as Jewish. And when faced with political prosecution and extreme poverty, the state of Israel sent planes southward to rescue them and fly them back to safety. 

I doubt this shitbag, low-rent rhyming "genius" could find Ethiopia on a map. 

The genius billionaire also went on to claim that Jews have "suppressed the black voice" and "kept him down." He reportedly said that while driving his Bugatti Veyron back to his 50,000 square foot estate in Beverly Hills.

To be sure there are Jewish record executives who have exploited talent for their own monetary gain. Just as there are non-Jewish executives doing the same. In the record business. In the oil business. In the arms manufacturing business. In the Bugatti dealership business.

But perhaps Weazy ought to learn how rabbis and Jewish activists were the first to stand shoulder to shoulder with Martin Luther King in the fight for civil rights. And how white Ashkenazi, "Fake Jews" he likes to call us, are still allies and still working -- harder than most other "white" people -- to level the playing field.

Maybe someone could get this impossibly dumb genius some books and teach this hateful AssClown how to read.

I'm now officially at DefCon 1.


Baby bed head said...

Here's hoping Kanye's accountant goes Def Con 3 on him.

Théo said...

One of the first things you learn in a town like LA is, there is no connection between artistic talent and morality or decency. People tend to idolize people who do impressive things. Oscars and Grammys are part of the problem. In my case, the people who stole years of my work and undermined me in every possible way were very good at something aesthetic (music in particular). I am sure that many people whose work I admire are despicable in real life. If toxic narcissistic bullies who grab others' awards at the Grammys or hit others at the Oscars were handcuffed and incarcerated, maybe they wouldn't have a soapbox to dismantle society for their own cynical amusement.

Anonymous said...

I thought he said “death” con 3 - like in the stages of rigor mortis.

Anonymous said...

Agree w you on all counts; including country western musk, Pollack and Rothko, but esp this assclown