Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Shook the World


That's the only appropriate word to describe Apple's new long form X-mas spot. At this writing it has 8 million views. Which is disappointing, because this is a little film that deserves to go viral in the biggest of ways. 

Particularly these days as we are just emerging from the Shitgibbon/Covid/Insurrection era of misery.

You can see the spot here.

I can be accused of some paternal bias. 

After all, my daughter is a junior producer at MAL (Media Arts Lab) that handles 50% of Apple's advertising. Though she didn't work on this amazing project.

 In fact, because of the contours of the Apple Marketing responsibilities, it's not clear whether this spot came from MAL. Or if it originated in Cupertino, with the very talented in-house marketing team that understand Upper Funnel advertising, proper budgeting and what it takes to "earn" brand loyalty. 

Did I ever mention that 'subtlety' is one of those words I always have trouble spelling?

Apart from all the pitch perfect casting, the editing, the music, the organic display of actual Apple products making a real difference in people's lives, there's the writing. It wasn't until I did a little more digging that I discovered the song's lyrics were actually snippets from Mohammed Ali...

"I am the greatest"

"His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see"

"I'm so mean I make medicine sick."

"The world champ should be pretty like me"

"I shook the world!"

But what I love most about this spot is how it harkens back to the 80's (sorry Mark Reed) and 90's, when brands crafted big, bold beautiful advertising that didn't depend on special effects, or gimmicky techniques, or the reliance on digital bullcockery to manifest its impact.

You don't have to go on some fakakta cyber journey of hashtags, IG's and VR helmets.

You simply have to sit back and let yourself be amazed and inspired by people playing the cards they were given and managing to find a way to shake the world.

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