Monday, April 6, 2020

Your escape pod

When the zombie apocalypse comes, and according to Devin Nunes, one of California's brightest and bravest congressional representatives, it is coming, where will you go?

Might I suggest my uncle's house.

He no longer lives there and is now safely ensconced in a new assisted living facility just 1.327 miles from my house, but who's counting.

It took my wife Debbie and I a dozen trips to clean out the place. My uncle is a bit of a shopaholic which explains why we found 73 power chords/extensions, 126 measuring cups, floor to ceiling high stacks of printer paper and enough drill bits to restock a Lowe's Home Improvement warehouse.

If you laid all the drill bits out end to end you could reach from Palm Springs to.....why are you laying out drill bits end to end, get back in your house. And wash your hands, you don't know where those drill bits, many still in the package, have been.

Following the cleanup, we hired one of Palm Springs best contractors, Chris Vogt (who I highly recommend) to renovate the place on our modest budget.

Naturally, just as Chris was putting the finishing touches on the 4 month job which included a new kitchen, two new bathrooms, new carpet in the bedrooms and new paint throughout, the CV pandemic hit. As is to be expected if you are familiar with the Siegel luck.

But put in proper perspective, this is the classic definition of 1st world white people problems.

Nevertheless, the house is available. And while you may not be itching to flee to Palm Springs to wait out this pandemic by the foot of beautiful Mount Jacinto, while lounging by the pool in perfect 87 degree weather, maybe you know someone who does.

You can see more at the listing:
(Click the picture to see the full slide show)

Not only is the house comfortable, clean and quiet, I hear the landlords are the nicest people on earth.

Well, at least one of them, Deb, is.

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