Thursday, September 21, 2023

Top of the Pyle

Had a very odd dream this morning. 

I know, and you know, that the recounting of someone else's dream can be a painstaking journey into absurdity, so I won't belabor the point. Moreover, my dreams, and maybe yours, are often a jumble of surreal and non-sensical images.

This one wasn't. I was on a team, a football team,. basketball team, it doesn't matter. And somewhere between the playing field and the locker room, I had lost my old-timey digital camera. I told the coach about it and he pointed out I still had an iPhone. Internally, however, I lamented losing the 5.3 mega-pixel camera. Moments later the coach appeared and produced my lost camera.

I was overcome with a great sense of relief.

You don't have to be Carl Jung to figure out this little brain twister - a camera makes memories. And memories, more than anything we can hold in our hand, are our most valued treasures. 

A longwinded way to introduce you to Lesly Pyle's new book, "Pyle of Memories." It was released yesterday and had clearly been on my mind.

I don't know Lesly. 

Other than the fact that she's about 100 years younger than me, works in advertising (sorry, Lesly) and often kicks my ass in Jon Soto's famous Facebook Name the Album contest. She's funny. Quick-witted. And smart. 

Smart enough to know that if she rounded up short stories from many of the best and promo-happy people in the business, and me, they would go on to advertise the book for her. An ingenious MLM scheme if there ever was one.

The authors in the book are like a Who's Who of industry giants, including Jeff Goodby, Gerry Graf and Luke Sullivan. Plus, friends and colleagues, that for reasons unknown, still pick up the phone when I call. I've been told by Ms. Muse, and others, to knock off the self deprecation, but old habits are not easily discarded.

The best thing about this new book, other having some prime real estate in it, is that Lesly has generously promised to donate the proceeds -- you know the millions of dollars all authors rake in -- to battle dementia. 

I urge you to pick up a copy of Pyle of Memories via my newly-minted Amazon Affiliates Program. 

You can find it here:

To that end, I will donate all proceeds from this sale (and then some) to Lesly's same worthy cause.

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