Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Character Counts

A few weeks ago, I came across a plea for money on FaceBook. 

It came from a friend, who had a cousin whose brother and wife live in Lahaina with their three children. All were affected by the fire. Being softhearted and genuinely empathetic to people going through hard times, I reached in my digital wallet and spilled out 50 bucks for the cause.

Why am I telling you this?

I don't need kudos. Or humanity points. I'm simply putting this out there because this shit counts.

We all go out of our way to help others. 

Keep in mind when I say 'all' I'm not including Prisoner 01135809, a "man" (???) who prides himself on his Christianity, his leadership and his loyalty.

Let's step back a moment and suppose the 4 separate indictments, the 91 criminal charges, the audiotapes of him begging, pleading and then threatening Georgia state election officials, the photos of the top secret documents being stored at his Florida Fleabag motel are all persecutorial manifestations of the Deep State. 

That the "evidence' has been manufactured by a cabal of evil, elitist communists. 

That the man who previously admitted to running a scam university, a scam charity, a scam campaign to execute the Central Park Five, a scam mission to show Barack Obama was born in Kenya, is completely INNOCENT.

Why then, one must ask, is this peacocking billionaire NOT funding, or even helping with, the mounting legal bills now taxing the very people that worked tirelessly keep him in office?

Why is Jenna Ellis staging Go Fund Me efforts to defray her exploding attorney fees?

Why is Kraken Lady, Sidney Powell being left in the lurch?

And why is America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a pathetic schmuck who took a nuclear powered blowtorch to his reputation and legacy, now doubling up on his Cameo Birthday videos to stem the accounts payable hemorraghing?

Shouldn't the guy who spends more on Aquanet in a year than some families spend on groceries, rent and crayons, be footing some bills? Helping his friends? Manning up?

This immoral, sociopathic narcissism has become acceptable behavior for 75 million Republicans. Not only acceptable, but admirable.

We have regressed 75 years, and Made America Not So Great Again.


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