Thursday, June 16, 2022

He Must Be Stopped

As you begin your Thursday morning, the House Select Committee have begun their third hearing into the criminal coup staged by ex Precedent Shitgibbon. 

I love how he calls them the UnSelect Committee, as if that were a stroke of semantical genius. Just as he delusionally convinced himself he came up with the phrase "Fake News" or "Primed the Pump."

Also, faithful readers might be wondering why I use the word Precedent as opposed to President. 

Clearly, I know how the word is properly spelled. But the man who uses the word hamberder does not. In a 2017 tweet, he claimed Chinese military power had reached unpresidented heights.

And so I appropriated his misspelling in order to get Red Hats to call me all sorts of names, just so I could point out that their messianic stable genius used the incorrect spelling first and I was simply following his lead.

All of that is beside the point. 

Because last week the hearing rolled out previously unseen footage of all the president's men, testifying under oath, that the Shitgibbon had been told by every election expert, his own campaign manager Bill Stepien, and his own taintlicking sycophant Attorney General Bill Barr, that the rigged election nonsense was...oh how did Billy put it...oh yeah... BULLSHIT.

Therefore, by the Associative Law of Bullcockery, the bullshit lie was the basis for the continued fundraising efforts sent out by US mail. And thus constituted Mail Fraud. And though I never went to law school but did take the LSAT and was waitlisted at prestigious Southwestern University, that in my limited legal expertise was/is sufficient grounds for an indictment.

This morning, we are told, we are going to hear evidence of how the President of the United States of Americas suborned the Vice President of the United States of America to criminally violate the US Constitution by seizing powers that were never given to him.

And after the Vice President refused to place his body, career and reputation on the railroad tracks, the same president wondered aloud if maybe the Capitol Insurrectionists should have hanged Mike Pence.

That alone should stop Americans in their tracks.

But it doesn't, because in 2022 the GOP is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump Incorporated. And we all know how those businesses all ended up.

Back to the hearings.

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