Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Continuing Erotic Adventures of Dr. Saguro


As some of the faithful followers of this email chain might recall, I had last told Dr. Saguro of my desire to have not one baby boy, but two. Moreover, my wife, Mrs. Dick Hertz, was already counting of the success of Dr. Saguro's Magic fertility medicine and had begun purchasing baby stuff for the arrival of the boys.

And even though I had slyly cut his fee by about 17%, Dr. Saguro was still willing to take the money and go through with the deal. In fact, he was growing quite impatient with my stall tactics.

Nevertheless I resisted.

I'm not sure why I introduced a western theme into the picture. Then again, why not? It might be because I've been watching Django Unchained (an underrated Tarantino flick) on all the assorted HBO channels.

Dr. Saguro was not amused.

And so I threw another curve ball into the mix.

And, just as I expected, he snapped at the latest bait.

Well, if Quinton Tarantino didn't throw him, neither would Sir Mixalot...

Now we're cooking with fire.

Who knows where this latest twist will take us, I only know it will provide many laughs. Thank you Doc.

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