Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The State of the State

Recently I received a private email, congratulating me on my relentless pursuit of imperfection, referring of course to my non stop assault on Precedent Shitgibbon and his non stop assault on democracy.

Conversely, I've also been accused of rehashing the same material and foisting "tired old rants" upon anyone willing to listen.

On both charges.

I may not be everyone's cup of tea. But the truth is, I don't want to be. As Winston Churchill, or maybe it was Frederick Douglass (he's just now getting the attention he deserves) once said, "If you're not making enemies, you're doing something wrong."

The next natural question is, why do I do it?

If I'm being honest with myself and with you, I can't NOT do it. You see, I have wanted to be a political satirist since I was 14 years old. I had dreams of being the next Art Buchwald (Google him) and joining the staff at National Lampoon. There aren't many 14 year olds who know exactly what they want to do in life. I was blessed and knew I wanted to be a writer.

I was also cursed, because shortly after I graduated college, National Lampoon went out of business. SPY magazine followed shortly thereafter. The market for political satire dried up. And I fell into advertising.

But now there is social media. And there is Captain Ouchie Foot. And Commander Fuckknuckle. And Grandpa Ramblemouth. And there is the daily, dare I say hourly, display of his incompetence, ignorance and incrementally increasing dementia.

And so I mock. Many times that mockery leads to arguments. Which again I relish, because in addition to my aspiration of being a political satirist I also entertained dreams of being a lawyer. And when it comes to arguing against the current fascist regime, the facts are so readily stacked in my favor.

Foreign Policy -- We are the laughingstock of the world. Russia is having their way with us. China is still stealing intellectual property building the new Silk Road, and still not paying the tariffs on imports,  you, we, are. Even North Korea played us for the fools we appear to be.

Healthcare -- The big, beautiful Repeal and Replace Plan never existed. For 10 years the GOP has had an opportunity to come up with a better idea. And for ten years those country club dipshits did nothing but play golf and raise money from their ignorant gullible supporters. As you read this, the DOJ is arguing in court, to have the Affordable Care Act nullified, throwing millions of people off healthcare. During a goddamned pandemic!!!

Infrastructure -- Pffffft

Immigration -- Mexico reneged on their promise to pay for the Wall and never sent a check. As if that weren't bad enough, our hogbellied flap dragon of a president stole money from the military and erected 3 miles of new wall. Some of it blew over because of strong winds. And some of it, built near the Rio Grande, is in danger of falling in the water. (Go to the Google)

The Economy -- This, by far, is my favorite arrow in the quill, because the economy sucks. It sucks now, because of Coronavirus. But more importantly, it sucked before Coronavirus. And don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Remember when Shitgibbon promised GDP growth rates of 3, 4, 5 and maybe even 6%? Eye this:

2017 GDP growth -- 2.4%
2018 GDP growth -- 2.9%
2019 GDP growth -- 2.3%
2020 GDP growth (Q1 only) -- (-4.7%)
2020 GDP growth (Q2 estimate) -- (-53%) Even a dopey foot doctor from North Bunion, Kansas, can tell that ain't good.

Not to mention consecutive years of trillion dollar deficits.

And finally, there's the debt. By the time this post reaches you it will be hovering near $26.5 trillion. Meaning, America's bestest, most stable genius businessman will have added close to $7 trillion worth of red ink. In one term as president!

Despite all this, on November 3rd, 60 million Americans will pull the lever for this lying, grifting, racist rapist. Proving that what America needs most is not a Wall, not new highways, bridges or airports, and not new tanks, or planes, or bombs. If this grand experiment is going to survive, America needs a total rehab of our Public Education.


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