Recently, a friend suggested that instead of tenting my house and fumigating with proven termite-killing chemicals I should look into “alternative pest removal options.”
Apparently some company in Simi Valley has formulated a safe, clean method of termite eradication using a unique blend of orange-scented, cinnamon-based organic compounds. They even describe it as "gentle as a butterfly."
Why don’t I just sprinkle my house with fairy dust?
For me it falls in the same category as homeopathic medicine.
If I get a brain tumor, I don’t want my doctor telling me to drink pomegranate juice, listen to sitar music and suck on the root of a rhododendron.
No, give me the hard stuff.
Call me old fashioned or just a stooge of the pharmaceutical companies, but when it comes to killing viruses or bacteria, I want my lethal chemicals in a physician-prescribed, impossible-to-open orange vial that they keep behind the bullet-proof glass.
I have the same compassion-less philosophy towards wood-eaters. There are basically two kind of termites. There are the ones boring tunnels through the rafters and floorboards in my house. And there are dead termites. I'm more interested in the latter.
Gentle as a butterfly, my ass.
If I get a brain tumor, I don’t want my doctor telling me to drink pomegranate juice, listen to sitar music and suck on the root of a rhododendron.
No, give me the hard stuff.
Call me old fashioned or just a stooge of the pharmaceutical companies, but when it comes to killing viruses or bacteria, I want my lethal chemicals in a physician-prescribed, impossible-to-open orange vial that they keep behind the bullet-proof glass.
I have the same compassion-less philosophy towards wood-eaters. There are basically two kind of termites. There are the ones boring tunnels through the rafters and floorboards in my house. And there are dead termites. I'm more interested in the latter.
Gentle as a butterfly, my ass.