Today is April 30. Time for a little self congratulation.
If you look at the accompanying chart you might notice a favorable incline (I'm getting close to the age where all inclines are favorable) in the web traffic. In fact, with more than 5,000 hits this month, we have set a new record.
Granted, some of this month's eyeballs are due to the linking in and the popular April 5th posting of I'm Outtahere. But as many of you advertising people know, I've had quite a few links on that dubious site, so that doesn't nullify today's celebration.
Just to digress a little and set the record straight. They (agencyspy) have in the past referred to me as an old friend. The truth is while I appreciate the additional traffic I'm not a big fan of the character assassination that takes place there and have no affiliation with agency spy other than the occasional linking. The other truth is, I'm not old.
So where do I go from here with all this new website traffic? Like any good copywriter, I decided to do a little more digging. And the news is not so great. According to, I had better keep my day job:
After three years of writing, countless pots of coffee, and valuable time not spent with my family, this damn blog is only worth $442.
That's about $999, 999, 658 away from instagram territory. $442 may be a year's salary for the average Yemeni, but it barely covers the cost to keep this computer churning.
Being overly competitive I took the liberty of looking up the value of blogs written by fellow copywriters. Even though his writing is better than mine and he has a distinct flair for the dramatic, my buddy Jeff Gelberg and his excellent blog Rotation and Balance, is close to 20 million blogs behind me at:
But we've both got a lot of work to do if we are to ever catch the unmistakable wit of George Tannebaum, whose unique brand of crankiness has netted him $634:
Finally, to complete the comparison and to satisfy my unbearable curiosity I was going to take a look at Kathy Hepinstall, who just to make us all feel like losers has just published her fourth novel. But for some reason her hilarious blog could not be evaluated. Maybe has some filter that excludes real writers?
That's OK, because the last thing Kathy Hepinstall needs is more publicity.