Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Stop you're making me blush

Last week a friend of a high school buddy called me out on Facebook. He said, and I quote...

"You're a blazing fucking asshole!!!"

That made my day. It made my night as well. Indeed, the joy of reading that passion-filled invective has made my week. So much so that Mr. P*&$@3*'s insult has inspired an entire R17 post.

Why? Because as I often quote from Winston Churchill, "if you're not making enemies you're doing something wrong." Meaning of course that I must be doing something right. And I hear that quite often. Not to humblebrag but many of you have written me private missives or stated your appreciation in the many posts I put up on social media:

"You are a breath of fresh air."

"Rich you are my spirit animal."

"Keep it going Rich, you're a legend."

I'm not big on compliments. Sure, like everyone else, I enjoy the flattery. But it pales in comparison to the joy of being called a blazing fucking asshole!

You might be wondering what enraged a man I do not know and have never met, to unload on me in such a spirited and provocative manner? As you might have guessed it was one of my many riffs on our Uberfuhrer, aka Precedent Shitgibbon, aka Commander Fucknuckle, aka Captain Ouchie Foot, aka Grandpa Ramblemouth.

Apparently the offended party took issue with my relentless presidential hounding.

Admittedly, I am guilty of overusing my social media platform in that pursuit. But only because the fate of the nation depends on his quick and decisive expulsion from the White House, a fact that seems lost on 60 million Red Hats.

The other thing is, I'm hardwired for this.

Like many of you, I've made my bones in advertising. And like many of you, in the Creative Department. And so you know, as well as anyone, there's a natural inclination to land on a concept and to create as many iterations that spring forth from it. That's what we do.

To wit, the following:

See, I'm not just a blazing fucking asshole. I'm a prodigious blazing fucking asshole.

Finally, the offended party made one last comment about the repetitive nature of my ranting. Conveniently ignoring the repetitive whiny little bitch at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

He accused me of making the same old tired points about the 11% unemployment, the trillion dollar deficits, the negative GDP (on Friday the we will get the Q2 numbers and will officially be in a recession) and the soaring US debt. And this where Robert ....ooops.... couldn't be more wrong.

Last week when I commented about our collective IOU, we owed $26.57 trillions dollars. As you can see here, that number has increased by a few billion dollars. So you see, it's not repetitive, it's different.

Thanks Bobby.


Please feel free to let me know which Person Woman Man Camera TV is your favorite.


Anne Kurtzman said...

Don't ever give up, Rich!

Bob Linden said...

Keep’em coming Rich. We need laughter these days!

Unknown said...

You’re my hero Rich!