Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Miller low life

An Open Letter to Miller,

You fucked up.

You let Bud Light and their Super Bowl blitz of spots set the rules. And you allowed yourself to get suckered into playing their game. At their pace. To their liking.

What were you thinking?
Oh I know, you weren't.

You must all be graduates of Trump University. With PhD's in Brand Crisis Management. Was your doctorate thesis entitled: The Art of Dropping the Meat in the Dirt.

What makes this all the more sadder is that at one time you were the kings of the castle. You dominated the airwaves with smart and funny advertising that didn't rival anything on the air today; it would have kicked it in its teeth and taken no names.

When you first introduced Lite beer, you used celebrity athletes and stars the way celebrities and stars should be used in commercials, self deprecating, irreverent and human. In other words, someone you'd want to sit down and have a beer with.

Even a Miller Lite.

And in the 90's you created a Hall of Fame worthy library of spots that defined the tenets of the Miller High Life.

Jeff Kling, Errol Morris and their band of merry men and women mined the human condition and made Miller High Life the common sense beer for the man or woman who possessed the smallest modicum of common sense.

I invite any student of advertising today to feast on this banquet of greatness.

Think about this, these campaigns were written, created and produced in the pre-internet era. Imagine how they could have been extended and played out in social media. I would follow the Miller High Life Man's Twitter feed just to keep up with his evolving and creative uses of mayonnaise.

The point is, and I wouldn't be writing this if there weren't some not so subtle self interest agenda going on, that in order to move forward perhaps you should look at what has succeeded in the past.

Track down Mr. Kling, roll an oversized keg of cash up to his doorstep, and task him to bring the high life back to Miller.

Also, tell him to throw a few assignments this way.

Yours truly,

Rich Siegel

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