Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I'll take President Pence in a heartbeat

I don't do many book reviews here on Roundseventeen, owing to the fact that I don't read many books. Not enough anyway. And those I do read don't merit a review.

Besides it would just get ugly. My admiration and appreciation for David Sedaris would just get mauled by my envy, my bitterness and my self loathing for wasting an entire life in the advertising industry.

Last week, I finished Fear by Bob Woodward. Finished it in record time. I wanted to put the book down but simply couldn't. Especially knowing that our world and the fate of the universe is in the sweaty, rage-filled tiny paws of this billionaire buffoon with too much Viagra and not enough book learnin's.

The book, which catalogues the clustfuckery that currently envelopes the White House, is close to 400 pages in length. I suspect it could just as easily fill 4000 pages.

Despite the nightly documentation of the 45th Worst president to ever rule the United States, there are quite a few surprises. Some, even reassuring.

Like the symbiotic partnership of lead economic advisor and card-carrying Jew, Gary Cohn and warrior/uber alpha male Secretary of Defense James Mad Dog Mattis. This is quite the unlikely pairing, but the two are shaped by a sophisticated world view and a distinctly un-binary way of looking at trade, alliances and geo-politics.

The flip side of that is the completely un-nuanced approach of the media-savvy, Near Nazi Steve Bannon. It is frightening to witness how Bannon not only had Precedent Shitgibbon's ear but also a firm hand on the marionette strings that controlled his actions. Steve Bannon is the unshaven version of Dick Cheney, in a beat up khaki jacket stained with Early Times Bourbon and Buffalo Wild Wings.

Finally, there is the thread that runs throughout the whole book -- the underlying incompetence and ignorance of a man who thought Frederick Douglass was still alive, or discovered Puerto Rico is not only an island surrounded by big water but is actually part of the United States.

This is a brainless, hugger mugger who walks into every meeting ready to ignore facts, unable to understand charts, and eager to discard the seasoned advice of every scholar, professional, expert or four star general in the room.

Why? Because he's got a very large brain. If any of them had a bigger brain, they'd be president.

But here's the thing, he's shockingingly ill informed. Shockingly. It's why his staffers have called him an "idiot", "dumb as a brick", and a "moron", correction, a "fucking moron."

He's not intelligent.

He's not playing some 5th level three dimensional chess.

He's not smart.

And if you still support this fist-pumping, coal digging, pussy grabbing, witless assclown, neither are you.

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