Tuesday, August 20, 2024

He. Is. Not. Human.

I don't know how he does it. But he does. And for that I must give credit.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, "There isn't a day that goes by when I don't hate him more than I did on the day before."

And this has been true since he descended down his fake gold-plated escalator in what looked like a Pat Paulson Run for President Stunt way back in 2015, when if you'll remember this country was on the distinctively right track. 

Just not the track. Many racist fuckknuckles in this country couldn't wait the 'white the ship.'

Mind you escalating hatred for him comes after so, so, so many incidents: 

1. "Very. Fine. People." (Wagging his tiny vulgarian finger.)

2. "I don't see why Russia would interfere."

3. "Come on black people, vote for me, what have you got to lose?"

4. "It's gonna be wild!"

5. "I need you to find me 11,780 votes."

And that's just off the top of my over-caffeinated/acetiminophen-addled head. Last week, in another rambling campaign "news conference" -- a weak attempt to stem the Harris/Walz momentum -- our demented former president said the following, on camera, in front of the media:

He said this while referring to Miriam Adelson, the gold digging, bleach blond wife of billionaire and overzealous Zionist Sheldon Adelson, after she had donated a huge sum of money to the Trump Campaign.

My father and my uncle both served in the US army. Neither saw combat as many of the "Suckers" and "Losers" (a phrase coined by Trump according to his former Chief of Staff and 4 star General John Kelly), but they served. 

I simply can't imagine how family members of service people who gave their all in defense of this country now feel their service and Medal of Honor was devalued by this hateful, ignorant, money grubbing jackwagon. 

Even more puzzling is how the folks who are enlisted now and stand at the front lines all over the world, ready to defend Americans, including this worthless twatwaffle, will be pulling the lever for him on November 5th? 

My mind is sufficiently blown. Like the sun rising in the east, the only thing I am sure of is that he will say or do something more repulsive tomorrow.  

1 comment:

David Esrati said...

You must be in advertising, you put words in where there are no words....
I am one of those losers who served.
I swore an oath to protect the constitution.
He's made a mockery of it.
He should have been taken care of on Jan 7, 2021.
The constitution is quite clear about the rules for traitors committing treason.
Unfortunately- most of congress can't read.