Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday Photo Funnies (Northern Edition)

This week's episode of Thursday Photo Funnies is a little different. Usually I scour my iPhone in search of "weird" -- that word is getting a lot of airplay as of late, and rightly so because the GOP is so fucking weird -- photos, which admittedly does not take long.

Today however, I'm posting pics taken on our recent cruise into Alaska. These have not been vetted by Ms. Muse, who is currently pre-occupied right now, so I'll take my chances. 

The photo above was snapped at the very north end of the Tracey Arm Inlet. That's the face of North Sawyer Glacier. It was actively calving as we sailed by on a picture perfect day. For reasons unfathomable (particularly to me), it did not rain once on our entire 8 day voyage.

With no further ado...

Before boarding the SS Zaandam, we spent a night in
Vancouver. Try to escape the world of advertising,
"But it keeps dragging me back in."

Vancouver is a beautiful city. With weird intimidating art.

I put dibs on this life raft, just in case things went south.

Zoom in and you will see the Stanley Park Seawall Bike Path.
Quite possibly the most scenic bike path in all of North America.
One day...

Another beautiful sunset, blah, blah, blah.

Doesn't matter where I am, if I see a furry,
I'm taking a picture. 

You can't throw a rotten salmon carcass in Alaska 
without hitting a waterfall.

Or, if you're in Ketchikan, a totem pole.

I got nothing.

Ketchikan is a decidedly "tourist" town. Thankfully we found Fat Stan's,
the most undecidedly tourist bar, filled with
hard drinking Alaskans.

Ms. Muse takes a break and poses with her 
2nd favorite bear.

Our tour guide Casey handed me this plant and said it was edible.
I opted for the Tuna Melt sandwich back aboard the Zaandam.

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