Monday, August 5, 2024

Upside Down


Today's world bears little resemblance to the one I recognized two weeks ago. Before Ms. Muse and I set sail for a week in southeastern Alaska, over on the far right of the amended map above. Followed by another week of travelogging our adventure on these very digital pages.

Demagogueic despair has been replaced by old timey American optimism. 

Of course I'm referring to President Joe Biden's generous and America First decision to suspend his race for a second term. And gracefully, turn over the reigns to his highly capable, highly youthful Vice President. Who, just for the record, has more years in public service than either Captain Ouchie Foot or his running mate, Jethro T. Couchdefiler.

Though I'm hesitant to refer to anything these two embarrassing clowns have done, as "public service." 

If it hasn't become apparent to you by now that neither of them have the future of the American Public, particularly women, at heart then I'm afraid nothing will. Including an $83 million judgment against the proud self-admitted "pussy grabber"/pornstar banger.

But something has stuck in my craw.

It's been two weeks since I've had a good political venting, you can be sure something was bound to stick in my craw. And you might assume it was the horrific, shameful, disrespectful, racist and misogynistic showing at last week's NABJ news conference. 

I'm still processing that debacle in my head and wondering what made him think a complete anti-Dale Carnegie approach to winning friends and influencing people would garner more black votes. Or more women votes. Or more human votes.

He couldn't have fared worse if he showed up in a white robe bearing a burning cross.

That's not the event that has me stewing and gasping for logic.

A few days ago, the biggest prisoner swap between the USA and Russia, as well as several allies holding Russian prisoners, was successfully manifested by Joe Biden and the 47th President Kamala Harris. It was by all accounts, even right wingnut media, a staggering feat of diplomacy, timing and determination. 

Securing the release of 4 innocent Americans, from a murderous dictator, is something every American can be proud of and take joy in.

Except one.

No, Grandpa Ramblemouth took the moment and ran in the direction he always runs -- to disgrace. 

Instead of rejoicing in their restoration of freedom, he tried to score political points. For himself. Falsely claiming that he could have secured the deal without paying a price or swapping a prisoner. Perhaps forgetting the time he secured Otto Warmbier from North Korea. By handing over a cool $2 million to his 300 lbs. lover, Kim Jong Un. 

Again, he criticized all those involved, never once expressing any empathy or grace towards the prisoners who suffered under Putin's ("smart, strategic guy who likes me so I like him") iron thumb.

Yes, the world is different than it was two weeks ago. But some things remain constant, including the widely held sentiment: I look forward to living in a world where he no longer does.



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