Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksliving

In stark contrast to the previous two days, I'm posting a message about grief. 

I haven't addressed grief on this blog in a long time. Not because it has gone away. It hasn't. 

Nor will it. 

That is its nature.

To that end, Ms. Muse thoughtfully sent me a video that articulates what author Max Porter once described as "The Thing with Feathers", one of the many books I consumed. 

Given that we all must deal with grief at one time in our lives, the book is worth reading. And the video is  worth viewing. Particularly before what Deb and I always thought was our most important holidays -- Thanksgiving.

You can view it here:

With the world on fire, growing right wing populism, the prospect of American democracy falling to a 78 year old would-be dictator, and a war in the Middle East that has already brought us unimaginable atrocities and threatens to grow exponentially, there doesn't appear to be much to be thankful for.

But on a micro and personal level there is. 

I gave serious thought to listing them here but ixnayed that notion lest this read like some kind of bulleted Powerpoint presentation. 

Conversely, I don't want to get cliched or maudlin about friends, family and a roof over my head, blah, blah, blah. 

Both of which are off brand for me. 

Per Ms. McInerny's Ted Talk, I'm thankful for the lasting impact Deb left on my life. And for her soft inner voice that reminds me, sometimes not always heard, to appreciate and to nurture all the love in my life. I hope you will do the same.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. 

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