Monday, May 1, 2023



This may come as a surprise to you, but it is shocking to me that I still find myself railing against this malignant pus-filled boil stuck to America's hind quarters since 2015.

Surely by now, I mistakenly thought, the nation would see what a narcissistic traitor, hellbent on raiding our country's wealth and selling off our democracy to the highest foreign bidder. But that hasn't happened. 


I firmly believe there will be a turning, just as there was in 1974 when even the most stalwart Republicans saw Richard Nixon for the Machiavellian Monster that he was. Still, it boggles the mind to believe that a significant number of the GOP still believe this man.

They believed him when he said Barrack Obama was not born in Hawaii. And believed that he had a team of first rate detectives who uncovered amazing evidence that he was not an native born citizen. The Hawaii birth certificate proved otherwise.

They believed him when he said Hillary Clinton had purposefully mishandled classified information and deserved to go to jail. 22 GOP hearings and THREE of his handpicked GOP Attorney Generals said otherwise.

They believed him when he said he did not bang a porn star while Melanoma was at home nursing (or having a hired wet nurse) his newborn third son from his third marriage. The facts showed otherwise.

They believed him when he said he'd build a 2000 mile long, impenetrable Wall on our southern border and that Mexico would cut the check and pay for it. WRONG!

They believed him when he said US Steel had just opened 6 new manufacturing plants. They didn't open any.

They believed him when he stood behind Vladimir Putin and took his word over our own Intel community. Remember this (:29):

The very next day, when there was a huge uproar, he stumbled through a lame correction and said he misspoke and meant to say, "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be." Rewatch the video and substitute that word with wouldn't. See if that makes any sense. Hint: it doesn't.

They believed him when he said he produced the greatest economy in US history. The BLS, Bureau of Labor and Statistics shows he didn't even come close.

They believed him when he said Covid would disappear, just disappear. A million American corpses and it still hasn't disappeared.

They believed him when he said he had a big new beautiful healthcare Plan that would cover every American and for less than the cost of Obamacare. He promised to unveil it in 2 weeks. And 2 weeks after that. And 2 weeks after that. It's been 3 years. He still hasn't unveiled it.

They believed him when he said Hunter Biden and his father were being bankrolled by the Chinese government. And have no evidence to support their scurrilous claims. NONE.

They believed him when he said the election was stolen and thousands of redneck hillbillies stormed the capitol and almost took down our government. The only person trying to steal the election was him.

Each of these are easily verifiable FACTS. And I have barely scratched the faux gold-plated surface.

And yet, according to the latest poll, 68% of Republicans still support this existential threat to the American way of life.

They believe him. 

And I can't believe it.

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