Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday Photo Funnies

You can't go wrong with starting off a blog piece, even a light fluffy one like this, with a dog picture to draw in some eyeballs. I learned that from Lee Clow, he of Chiat/Day fame, for you younger readers who need to do some Googling.

It's Thursday. 

Time, once again, for that reliable standby, savior to the lazy blogger -- The Thursday Photo Funnies. A conceit borrowed from old National Lampoon magazines (still stacked in my garage) in a bin buried beneath sleeping bags, tents, and a panopoly of 20 year old camping gear. 

By the way, I got in a heap of trouble at work for using a hifaltutin word like panopoly, more accurately, trying to use that word in an email at work. #PuerilityRules.

A telling reflection of the decline of advertising and the dumbing down of America 2022. Whatever?

Without further adieu, let's get to the pics...

Last week's post about my peach stand encounter, 
inspired someone to drop off a bags of fresh peaches on at my doorstep. 
I later found out it was my neighbor. It was the second batch of the fuzzy orbs given to me in one week. Mmmm, peaches

Pretty sure this is the first President of the United States of America 
who ever felt the need to utter those words.

We don't get a lot of clouds in Southern California,
but they're always welcome when they arrive.

One of the more interesting fruits produced from my Buddha Finger Lemon Tree.

God bless the clients who understand humor and 
the untapped power of tongue-in-cheek negativity.

My proud bathroom display of Caganers.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm a little obsessed with all things Russian.

Attention-getting tires? Why not. Smart business owner.

This was across the street from the Bar Lubitsch, where my daughters and I recently caught a comedy show in West Hollywood. Apparently there's a small enclave of Russian Jews there.

Just by chance, I found this photo on my iPhone of a coffee table book I have on display in the living room. Soviet Space Dogs. How about that Lee?

And one more, just as a prelude to tonight's Hearing Fireworks.


Unknown said...

Er... 'Panoply', surely...?

Rich Siegel said...

I have a veritable potpourri of words that land me in vocational hot water.