Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go

Last week, you might remember, the president was crowing about the unemployment numbers and the historic drop to only 13.3%. He also disingenuously suggested that the uprisings across the country would result in monumental progress in race relations, days after he sicked the US Military on American citizens.

He even went so far as to say that George Floyd, an African American man brutally and mercilessly murdered by an arm of the government, his government, was looking down from heaven and smiling upon yet another monumental achievement of Captain Ouchie Foot, God's unique gift to America.

Only neither case was true.

Let's not forget this is the same schmuck, who told law enforcement officers, on many occasions, to "rough up" suspects. And stop "being so nice."

Furthermore, it turns out the BLS, Bureau of Labor and Statistics, made a mistake, and is now in the process of issuing a correction. The cynic in me could argue that this entire fiasco was manufactured in advance. That the president was willing to take a little public egg on his face on this matter in order to distract from another economic disaster that will stain his historic CV.

You see, on Friday the total US debt reached an all time high. It surpassed $25.9 trillion. And there's no indication it's slowing down.

This earmark is of consequence.

Because when this beslubbering, idle-headed maggot pie took office on January 20, 2017, the debt was $19.9 trillion. And if you'll recall, we never heard the end of it from the Tea Party, The GOP and the ruttish, rump-fed skainsmate, who promised to set the country on a different fiscal course and right the wrongs of feckless Democrats.


In less than one full term, because of misguided tax cuts for the wealthy, obscene militarization and the failure to recognize and manage a pandemic that has taken the lives of 110,000 Americans, this lying, clapper-clawed fustilarian has added $6 TRILLION to our collective promissory note.

Moreover, he did this while we were allegedly enjoying the BESTEST, BOOMINGEST ECONOMY
ever in America. It wasn't. It wasn't even close. And I beg one of my GOP compatriots to challenge me on this.


I also beg you to take a look at

The spinning of the red numbers is a constant reminder of this regime's failure to live up to its promises.   It's also mesmerizing. I'm willing to bet that by the election, the total debt will exceed 26.9 trillion and we will find ourselves drowning in Grandpa Ramblemouth's $7 trillion of red ink.

I wonder what George Floyd would think of that.

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