Thursday, May 23, 2019

Back in the USSR

As many of you know, for the past year I have cordoned off Thursday for my Thursday Thrashing letters. Wherein I write a letter to each and every US Senator. It's been a labor or love for the past year, giving me an opportunity to dive deeper into the body politic while at the same time taking great joy in eviscerating these do-nothing, know-nothing GOP miscreants.

Earlier this week I saw a story on Mo Brooks, from the great state of Alabama. He had been invited (perhaps ironically) to a Mensa meeting. Keep in mind that Mo famously posited that the rising sea level was not due to global warming but instead attributed to large rocks falling in the ocean.

I panicked. Realizing I had not written a letter to Senator Mo Brooks.

And then I went back through my notes and through the Google and discovered there is no Senator Mo Brooks. He is in fact a lowly congressman.

In other words, apart from one last reprising letter to Mitch McConnell (coming next week), in order to bookend the collection of missives, my mission is complete.

And so, with no letter to write today, I'm going to do a little symmetric ju-jitsu, and instead, talk about a toxic disaster that has plagued, and continues to plague, our nemesis to the East, Mother Russia.

If you haven't been watching the Chernobyl miniseries on HBO I suggest you start. It's a bite size endeavor, meaning it's only a 5 part series.

I was only 11 years old when the nuclear power plant blew its top and spread radioactive uranium 235 particles throughout Kiev, land of my distant forefathers. The physical and structural damage to the site was horrific.

But even more terrifying was the post-explosion cleanup by a bunch of lying, power hungry, incompetent, vodka-swilling Soviet bunglecunts -- the clueless Cyrillic counterpart to our US Senate if you will.

Warning, the show is incredibly difficult to watch. It's dark, it's painful and it's jaw dropping. I think one of the first responders at the site actually lost a jaw.

Moreover, it takes very little in the way of imagination to picture a disaster like Chernobyl hitting us right here in the heartland.

And takes no imagination whatsoever to see our current crop of leadership in the White House, including mental midgets like Rick Perry, Betsy Devos and Dr. Ben Carson, dropping the proverbial meat in the dirt.

Or perhaps more appropriately, dropping the Oreo cookies in the dirt.

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