Tuesday, August 24, 2021

2020 Hindsight


I knew when it was announced a couple of months ago, three new books documenting Grandpa Ramblemouth's clusterfuckian final year in office, that I had better make room on my bookshelves.

This weekend I finished the last book in the trilogy. Though I have already pre-ordered Bob Woodward's new book, Peril, so you have that book review to look forward to.

This book by Michael Bender was not as titillating as Michael Wolff's Landslide. Nor was it as linear as Leonnig & Rucker's I Alone Can Fix This. Nevertheless it was equally jaw dropping in its depiction of the incompetence, lust for power and moral cravenness. And it did go deliciously into the weeds to suss out the dysfunctional dynamics of all the warring WH camps.

Had I been in college I probably would have bookmarked snippets in order to support my opinion. But I didn't, so we'll have to rely on my sketchy, getting sketchier, memory.

One gem that stood out in my mind was the preparation for the June 19th, 2020 rally in Tulsa, OK, wherein the lily white staff conveniently ignored the significance of that date to the African American community. 

It's not that they didn't know, they didn't, nor had they known, would they have even cared.

In discussing the venue and the wisdom of having the rally during an upswing in Covid cases, the attractive but obviously evil Hope Hicks, one of Shitgibbon's closest advisors, said of the people planning to attend the rally...

"These are grown adults (many of them very grown adults). They know there's coronavirus out there. They can make their own decisions. And if they want to take the risk, it's on them." 

Equally telling is how all three books provide a glimpse of many of the same situations: minimizing the danger of Covid, election night results, and the dangerous propagation of the Big Lie -- a divisive issue that still lingers with us until Mike Lindell, MyPillowGuy™ can come up with the next devilish scheme.

I know some of you share the same concerns of my wife and my daughters, "Dad, you're over-the-top obsessed with this. You gotta let it go. You're gonna drive yourself crazy."

To which my only retort would be... 

"I've been a resident of Crazy Town for the entirety of my life, all 44 years, I'm not getting any cardboard boxes or renting a U-Haul any time soon. So you just better get used to it."

In other words, the Trump mudslinging will continue. Moreover, I still have plenty of weapons grade painkillers from my hip surgery. 

It could get wild.

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