Thursday, August 12, 2021

Good riddance Guv

I know that as an older white male with standing membership in the Patriarchy, I shouldn't say this, but the truth is I don't care about Andrew Cuomo and his indiscretions. 

This will set off alarm bells with my two grown daughters, who are now in the workplace and who must now navigate the unwanted attention of old hound dogs, but I have great faith in their deflective abilities as well as their inclination to deliver a stinging clap back.

The sooner the Cuomo story dies and falls to the back section of The NY Times, the better.

The explanation for my apathy couldn't be simpler. It's akin to the unpolished brass on the Titanic. And you'll have to excuse my hyperbole here, but this country is truly on the precipice.

In the last week we have seen notes, testimony and stories come from the post election White House that have set my hair on fire, you know if I had any hair.

To wit, here is what the the loser of the 2020 election told the Attorney General:

"Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressman."

That's not just impeachable, that's indictable.

What the losing candidate wanted to do was take the election apparatus out of the legal hands of our courts with their ridiculous constricting laws and regulations and place it squarely in the hands of public opinion. He wanted to re-litigate the election results in the court of public opinion.

With a jury of his fishbrained peers who believe noise windmills cause cancer, hurricanes can be nuked, steam engines are better than digital technology, Covid can be cured with pool chemicals, and a host of other stupid shit that simply defies reality.

These recent revelations detail a man out of control. A man so desperate to undo his landslide his loss, re-inflate his ego, and regains the reigns of power that he was, and still is, willing to take down 243 years of democracy with him.

It is mind-blowing in every sense of the word.

And what's worse is that for all that bald-faced unAmerican authoritarianism, there are 75 million cultists willing to grab a torch and a pitchfork and follow him down this path that has been marked off and pre-tamped down by Vladimir Putin.

Go away Andrew, we have bigger fish to fry.


george tannenbaum said...

Men in power have never been able to keep their pecker in their pants.
This is not new.

Steve Koch said...

What's the point of power if you can't abuse it?