Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mmmmm, communism. And Bacon.


It's Tuesday morning as I write this, hours away from Fight Night. Which I am looking forward to. And also dreading. Point is, I don't know whether this topic was addressed or not, but I'm going to proceed as if it weren't, given how TV journalists are notoriously lazy and more concerned with their coiffures. 

As I mentioned in a social media post earlier in the week, I hope one of the moderators asks our twice impeached, felonious ex president, "what happened to that big, beautiful new healthcare plan you had promised?"

Promised, repeatedly, I might add.

"We just put the finishing touches on it and we will be rolling it out in two weeks," he said.

Two weeks later...

"We'll be unveiling it in two weeks."

And 3 months after that.

"Two weeks, it's going to be tremendous."

As we all know two weeks passed. Then two years passed. And we are now in the second decade of waiting for the GOP alternative to ObamaCare.

It's not coming because the GOP doesn't govern. They are more concerned with painting the Democrats, or anyone interested in improving the lives of average Americans, as Communists.

While we are on the topic of average Americans and because I had some downtime between my vigorous workouts, I took the time to research just how much the average American spends a year on healthcare insurance. Prepare yourself...

Holy crap you say. If you didn't, I did.

Now ponder this, if capitalist-loving Americans had the same kind nationalized healthcare (which is a right, not a luxury) as the 90% of the free world (I made up that number, just as Trump often makes up his numbers) and 100% of the communist world, that would put a lot of greenbacks back into the wallets and purses of every day citizens, including the ones that vote against their own self interest.

How much money? Well, because my swimming doesn't start for another 45 minutes, I'll tell you. The average single American would have more than $162/a week. The average American family would have $461 more every week.* 

That's a lot of bacon, even if the price of bacon had actually gone up 5 times the price, as alleged under the Biden administration.

In other words, if Red Hats simply put all that GOP bullshittery and demogoguery aside, and let the adults do some adult governing, we could have our healthcare and eat our bacon too. And not that crappy, fatty stuff that's only revealed when you open the vacuum sealed package. I'm talking about the thick applewood cured center cut bacon, that's all meat from one end of the strip to the other.

Mmmmm, applewood.

Wait, wait, hold on Mr. Tax and Spend Radical Leftist, I can hear my one conservative screaming from behind his or her keyboard. Where's this money gonna come from to pay for the nationalized healthcare?

Well, and I'm just spitballing here, we could take it from the Pentagon. After all, we do have the mightiest fighting force on the planet. And always will.

Plus, if I have heard Republicans/xenophobes and Marjorie Taylor Greene correctly, aren't they the ones clamoring for the good old USA to stop waging wars and defending other countries? In which case we should stop funding the War Machine. 

Right, Red Hats?

I say "America, healthcare and bacon first."

* Your incredible communist savings may vary

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