Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Express Yourself

 I know I shouldn't be doing this.On the other I can't not do it. Back to back to back posts about the short-fingered Vulgarian (Thank you Spy magazine, circa 1992)

My hate level for the Worst Human Being of the 21st Century is at an all time high. And that's saying something given his non-stop spewing of irrational, misogynistic, racist, ignorant, mendacious UnAmerican bullshit since he foisted his fat ass on the political stage.

Evidence of my volcanic hot rage can be seen in the T-shirt seen above.

As well as the T-shirt seen here...

And again here...

The fact is my closet is beginning to fill up with T-shirts (ones that actually fit me) emblazoned with Trump-directed vitriol.

The T-shirts have not only captured the attention of Culver Citians, Citizens, Culverites, Culverians...

"Oh look, there's the crazy old man with a T-shirt again"

...but also the attention of friends and colleagues who'd like to sport the same sharp-tongued attire. I suppose I could go on CafePress and spend long, long hours assembling a merchandising store so that the critical thinking public could walk as proudly as I do. But the truth is whatever skills I might have rearranging the 26 letters of the alphabet are far outweighed by my massive technology deficiency.

The other truth is, I could probably make some money selling said T-shirts and donate the proceeds to the Biden campaign.

I'm going to do none of that because though I am enjoying my semi-retirement, I have exercise to do and I need to stem the pointed teasing coming from Ms. Muse and my inability to finish reading what I started. Maggie Haberman's 600 page + Confidence Man has sat untouched on my nightstand/coffee table and I am committed to reaching page 601.

To that end, I invite you (should you be inclined) to custom design your own T-shirt about our spleeny, hedge-pig ex-president. 

It's very easy to do here.

Play around the typeface. Add your own visual. But above all, shoot for brevity. 

You can write your own lines or feel free to duplicate any of mine. I'm not interested in making money, I'm only interested in saving our democracy...sorry, as some schmuck in Idaho pointed out...our Constitutional Republic!

Here's some more lines jut to get you started:

He exists. 

Proof, God does not.

Future Me wants to piss 

on the grave of Ex Him.


I want Embalmment.

No 4th Reich.

These will work with the blond hair graphic element:

Feed the maggots.

Rest in Pee 

I'm praying for the shark. 

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