Thursday, January 11, 2024

72 and Sunny

Today is a new edition of my Thursday Photo Funnies, my fallback blog posting when I'm too lazy or tired to do any real, or "real", writing. 

As my 9 loyal readers know, I usually snap pictures on my late afternoon walks in Culver City. Or even Sierra Madre, home of Ms. Muse. But as I've been spending an inordinate amount of time in Palm Springs, I thought I'd share a little bit of the desert with you. 

In a preview of your getaway weekend at my constantly being improved (repaired) vacation rental.

My uncle moved out of this house in 2019. It took us months and months of 16 hour days to clean out the remnants of his relentless hoardfuckery: measuring cups, extension cords, drill bits, screws, nails, and wood joiners, even floor to ceiling stacks of reams of white paper.

Now, I'm out here clearing out the leftover stuff from my previous long term renters who actually got married in the backyard. 

I swear some of the cobwebs in the garage were left from 2003. With all the desert detritus gone, I've now hired a deep cleaner --a friend of Ms. Muse's cousin -- to come in make this place competitive with all the fancy houses in this very toney neighborhood.

As she scoped out the house, she found the linen closets. And delivered the funniest line of the week. "I've seen the way your cousin's boyfriend folds the fitted sheets. He's DEFINITELY NOT gay."  

Without further ado:

Sunsets in the Springs are a little disappointing 
as the light goes away early over the mountains. 
But sunrises are incredible.

Spotted at the nearby WalMart, where because of 
certain memory lapses and repeated visits, 
I've actually started spotting regulars.

City ordinances mandate a WARNING sign by the pool.
Wish there were something funnier than this.

Neighbor up the street is doing some demo work.
I can't even imagine how much those
tiny glass tiles originally cost.

As a dedicated cyclist, 
this is refreshingly welcome.

One of my late Uncle's favorite places.
Considering his crankiness,
that speaks volumes.

This place is very gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

And finally, a shot of all the unfolded sheets.
I have enough white linen to outfit a small Klan clan.


Apparently my daughter's interests extend 
into the Inland Empire. 😆

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