Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Aye, let's dance

Today's post is being in written in two parts.

It is Saturday morning as I write this. This will be Part One.

Part Two will be penned after tonight's festivities. Which, if you haven't guessed will be a whimsical, magical celebration (fingers crossed) of my surprisingly dominant Irish heritage. Tonight Ms. Muse and I will be at the Dolby Theater in glamorous downtown Hollywood to experience Riverdance™.

BTW, as she and I are both members of 23andme, we both had access to a geographic location of our wooly, alcohol-loving, poetry-quoting ancestors. 

Her map looks almost identical to mine. Though I am happy to report we have no common distant relatives.

Lest you think I have questionable theatrical taste, you should know the story behind tonight's attendance at the Riverdance™ extravaganza. 

Months ago, we went to see Aaron Sorkin's take on To Kill a Mockingbird. Because we might have over-imbibed at the restaurant across the street, we showed up at the Will Call office five minutes before the curtain opening. Where I was told, I had inadvertently purchased tickets to the day's matinee showing. The woman behind the bullet-proof Pyrex window, scurried to find us two tickets in the nosebleed section. 

Evening rescued.

Later that week, I decided to write to the ticket office and inform them of the incident. And bring up the issue of their confusing web interface. How was I to know there'd be two shows in one day. That seems very unfair to the actors, but very profitable to the residual collecting writer. 

To their credit, the theater people offered us a chance to attend another show. 

On them. 

And a month later, we found ourselves in the second row of the magnificent Dolby Theater, to see Annie. Not my cup of tea by any means. But two free tickets in the second row certainly were. Did I say two tickets? Because the ticket office had reserved FOUR seats in our honor. 

Have pen, will schnorr.

Shortly after enjoying Annie (I'm always open to new experiences), I decided to write another appreciative letter. And mentioned that our friends (Mr. and Mrs. John Doe) were unable to join us for Annie, due to Covid (it's important to entail some viable plausability.) Hence the two unrequested seats, sat unsat in. 

As a result, the front office invited us to another show, Riverdance™.

Hell, I thought, it's an opportunity to get some mileage out of my blazer and honor the excessive frugality of my Scottish roots.

I'll let you know if it was worth my while in tomorrow's blog. And how I can spin one more letter out of this fortunate turn of events. 


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