Monday, February 13, 2023

Meet me in the cage, Joe

Fuck this guy.

Don't know he is? It's a shame fate didn't keep it that way. 

This is Joe Rogan, amateur MMA fighter and a poor man's Tony Danza. 

He also the host of Spotify's most popular podcast. Meaning millions of listeners, the ones already satiated on red meat from the previous administration, scarf down his monumentally-ignorant bullshit everyday. 

Last week, doing his best impersonation of Kanye West, he took to the airwaves and thought it wise to say,  "the idea that Jews aren't into money is ridiculous. That's like saying Italians aren't into pizza."

Yeah Joe, it's just like that.

Except no one attacks a pizzeria with an AR-15 and mows down a dozen Italians because they dig the pepperoni and thin crust. Whereas, your little bon mot feeds an antisemitic trope that has lasted as long as Jews have.

It's why sitting Congresswoman feel free to ramble on about space lasers belonging to the Rothschilds. Or the current Speaker of the House inferring billionaires like Bloomberg, Soros and Steyer, "bought the 2020 election."

And it's why Jewish blood gets spilt everyday and find themselves the victims of hate crimes you so cavalierly ignore.

Fuck you Joe Rogan.

Maybe it hasn't occurred to you, but it has occurred to me. 

Money is a tool of survival. Money permits escape when Romans/Greeks/Crusaders/Cossacks/Nazis/Red Hats come crashing through the door, hellbent on our demise. Money buys passports. Visas. Papers. Money bribes guards. Money secures passage. 

Money moves mountains.

And so yes, (((we))) need to be vigilant about having some. 

Not for a rainy day, but for a murderous one.

Here's the other thing about money, Joe. Oh and congrats on signing that new $200 million contract. I have no doubt your Jewish agent worked hard to get you that deal. 

The only way to get money is to work hard. A reward in its own right. And so we work hard. All due respect, but before there was this stoic "Protestant Work Ethic", there was a Jewish one. 

We work hard, because it produces results. In science, medicine, business, literature, music, technology, and even in Certified Public Accounting. These results make Jews an asset. A precious asset to mankind. And sometimes that saves our ass.

You see Joe, it's not the money we love, it's the survival.


Anonymous said...

Well said Rich!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Rich.

Anonymous said...

Fuck. That. Guy. He's garbage covered in poo and on fire.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Joe- you go Rich. I hate that piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Go Rich! Fuck Joe Rogen big time. He wouldn’t last ten mins in the ring with you! Your best piece ever!!!