Tuesday, August 23, 2022

On stacking. and non-stacking.

Like my friend George, I've been plugging away at this blog thing for a very long time. Since 2009, I've regularly put out 4 blogs a week. Sometimes 5 when the news or the world tosses me a hot potato that just won't wait until Monday morning.

In that 13 year span I have not made a dime on the roughly million words I have committed to digital ink. 

Actually, that not true. I've made a couple hundred dollars be agreeing to let Google populate my page with invisible, unclickable banner ads for everything from Russian Dating Sites to Prostate Shrinking Dietary Supplements.

But let's be clear, no one clicks banner ads. Brands aren't built with banner ads. Banner ads are nothing more than poorly art directed, poorly written, best practice dictated eye pollution. PennySaver meet the interwebs.

To be extra clear, I could argue that while I was freelancing, this blog was a direct pipeline to many, many gigs. And so in that indirect way this blog has served me well. Vocationally. And psychologically, because as I often say this blog is my long time therapist.

Now, however, I'm seeing other writers posting their wares on paid subscription sites, like Stack. And SubStack, and SuperStack™. 

Hell, if racist, Christian Nationalist, ex-communicated ad guys can pimp their anti-DEI claptrap, why shouldn't I get a taste. Or, in the vernacular of the Cosa Nostra, wet my beak?

The answer is simple and in no way, shape of form, be construed as some kind of reverse psychology humblebrag. I don't think anyone would pay to wear what I'm knitting. 

To be even more honest, I don't want or need the .003 cents a word, these blog publishing services are offering. Not to mention the editorial constraints, real or otherwise, that I'd be facing. And dreading. And cursing, because that's just the way I roll.

I like the freedom to write what I want to write about.

When I want to write it.

And as sloppily as I choose or am under the influence of a fine rye whiskey.

Not to get too meta on you, but I even love the leeway I've given myself to write a whole blog post about why I won't make any money writing blog posts.

Pencils down!

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