Thursday, September 10, 2020

Foto Funnies

It's been a long hard week, as 4 day work weeks typically go.

So I thought I'd give myself a break and  return to the Thursday Photo Funnies. The Photo Funnies is not my own creation. It was a staple in the National Lampoon, the preferred magazine of my youth. I think Editor Doug Kenney and gang would snap some shitty pictures around the office knowing they could attach some funny captions to each, plug it in the magazine and call it a day.

I don't even have to snap any new pictures. I, and I'm sure you, have a stockpile of them on my iPhone or as screengrabs on my desktop computer -- they're all neatly arranged in a new Mac feature called Stacks. If you are aren't using it, you should. It's a lifechanger.

The photo above came via the Face Book. It was one of a hundred new friend requests I get regularly. I couldn't place the....uh, face...did I work with her at Abert, Newhoff & Burr? Or was she the receptionist at Bernard Hodes Advertising? Of course it's just clickbait for Nigerian scammers. though it's always amusing to see when mutual friends show up on her page. Come on fellas.

It's been HOT lately, so my daughter ran over to the Pic N' Save and snagged these two little inflatable pools for $3.98 each. They made the perfect hot weather retreat. The structure behind my house is the garage of M. Emmett Walsh, my neighbor for more than 25 years.

Living in Southern California means living with palm trees. My street is lined with them. They can get quite messy and the city has to trim them once a year. I hope they bring the fallen frongs to the local temples so people can use them for their Sukkahs. (use the Google)

My wife enjoys popsicles. And since she is immunocompromised and can't go grocery shopping, that  means I have to bring home the bacon. And the popsicles. Last week I got the wrong kind. Now I use technology to get the right kind. Am I the best husband, or what?

Does this picture need a funny caption? No, it does not.

Speaking of rats, they love the palm trees and the cypress trees. So I'm forced to set traps (and almost lose fingers). On this occasion I bagged two with one tiny dollop of peanut butter.

This was spotted in my friend Paul's backyard. It's a replica of Mt. Rushmore set in styrofoam relief. If you knew Paul you'd know this is incredibly "on-brand."

Our new Peloton. How do you think I'm able to maintain my girlish figure?

I'm a sucker for children's lost toys. Every lost toy tells a sad story. When I see one on the street or on a hiking trail, I feel compelled to take a photo. I have many of them. If I had any photography skills (which I clearly don't) I would turn them into a coffee table book.

And finally, there's this. Another picture that requires no explanation.

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