Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Rose colored glasses.

The great thing about today's post, other than the good news to follow, is that it gives me an opportunity to use some non-descript photo of people doing business. I love schlocky stock photography. Particularly of the commerce-themed variety.

And I'm not the only one.

Years ago, when I had a major player role in the game, when there was a game, we were doing a pitch for the world's leading producers of CRM software, that's Customer Relationship Management for you laymen.

In a moment that is seared in my memory, we had the opportunity to meet the CEO, a man whose net worth exceeded 5 billion dollars. After carefully reviewing and considering the work we had put upon the table, he had his own...er, unique...thoughts about advertising.

"Why don't you show a picture of people shaking hands?"

"Or a manager leaning over the shoulder of an employee to check the computer?"

"How about a shot of someone answering a phone? That's people doing business."


Yes it was.

But I digress. Because today's post is not about the past, it's about the future. And I'm happy to report that there's cause for optimism. You see, I've recently been contracted directly -- without the aid of an ad agency -- to work for two growing clients.

And last night, I received an email, from out of the ether, from a former Chiat colleague who has a bead on a third possible project.

What does it all mean?

For one thing it means we can pick up a few of those humongous and outrageously expensive Tomahawk steaks I so enjoy throwing on the grill.

More importantly, it represents an opportunity. I may be 44 years of age. And cynical. And jaded. And beaten to a pulp by this industry. But as my partner John Shirley used to say...

"That what I love about you Rich. Despite everything, you're still stupid enough to believe something good can come from this."

Misguided optimism notwithstanding, who am I kidding?

It's about those Tomahawk steaks.

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