Tuesday, June 15, 2010

From the produce section

My buddy Jim Jennewein recently told me how much he enjoys reading this blog. And while I enjoy hearing that from all of you, it's particularly heartwarming from Jim, because, well, he is a real writer. In addition to the many screenplays he's had produced, Jim has published two books and is in the process of publishing a third.

He's also an avid reader.

He's actually read all the books we were supposed to read in high school and college. And he's familiar with the works of E.M. Forster, W.R. Burnett and Harper Lee, names that should ring a bell but have long since fallen victim to under achievement and early senility. Thus allowing me to claim the shameful title of the Most Illiterate Writer on the Face of the Planet.

But enough about Jim, let's get back to me.

Jim says roundseventeen has a unique way of delving into the little nooks and crannies that make up our life. And for that reason I give you a poorly lit photo of this perfect ass-like cherry moments before it entered my gullet.

You see, I have the sophomoric sensibilities of a 14-year old, so in addition to examining the nooks and crannies, I make every effort possible to cover the crevices.

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