Thursday, November 14, 2019

The law will prevail

Last week, an Alabama man living in alternate binary universe, fueled by caffeine, rage and crystal meth, took a long sharp blade and slashed a polyurethane balloon, striking what he called "a decisive blow for good over evil."

Today that man is facing fines, which even in "the bestest booming economy ever in the history of mankind", are still hefty.

He's also facing significant imprisonment, though one can argue this man has been been living a life of mental incarceration, with three hots, a cot and a daily toxic infusion of Sean Hannity and Red Hat propaganda.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, another more significant and rewarding filleting is taking place. Not by a trailer park, mac & cheese gorging, duck hunting hillbilly but by a Harvard/Stanford educated Juris Doctor who eats, breathes and sleeps the US Constitution.

And this time the cuts are not being made haphazardly. Nor is there any of the previous untargeted flailing about by a witless schmuck sporting a MAGA hat and a crop cut T-shirt that reveals a hog belly and a lifetime ingestion of cornpone and nuked over hush puppies.

No, this time, a skilled legal surgeon and his colleagues, are using a scalpel, carefully and methodically slicing and dicing their way through this cancerous monster and working to remove the malignancy that is ravaging this country.

With that I am cutting today's normally wordy post down to size.

So I can get back to the impeachment hearings and watch Adam Schiff take a hot branding iron to the ample ass of Captain Ouchie Foot and mark for all of history to see not just the worst president of the United States of America, but the worst fucking person to ever walk the planet in 2019.

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