Monday, October 7, 2024

MAGA, I’m all for it.

Reporters are fond of asking Red Hats, when Donald Trump says Make America Great Again, when do you think that was? These same Red Hats, not known for their intellectual or historical acumen often fumble the ball and can’t put their finger on a date. A year. Or even a decade. 

Maybe they shouldn’t be faulted for that. 

If, for instance they replied something like 1953, when America was enjoying post-War prosperity, the elitist reporter might respond, “Oh when black people were forced to drink from segregated water fountains?”

Another respondent might answer 1911, to which another member of the Hebraic media cabal might reply, “Oh when women were denied the right to vote?”

In other words, it’s a loaded proposition. Particulalrly for Republicans who can’t be bothered by details. Or facts. Or truth.

But it is not a question to be ignored. I just wouldn’t answer it with a numerical date.

Instead, I’ll tell you when America was great: 

When we decided a woman's body belonged to a woman. And only she and her doctor had a right to decide that body’s sovereignty

·     When we started living up to our own creedo that “all men (and women) were created equal"

·     When we accepted our role as a world leader and stood up for freedom and liberty and stood against (and tall) against military adventurism (Russia/China/Iran)·

      When we had grand aspirations and even grander abilities to exceed our own grasp

·     When we exhibited compassion and empathy and shared the blessings of being the most prosperous nation on earth

·     When we stood for the best of human nature and not the cruelest, most selfish and most craven 

·     When America exceptionalism was exceptional for all the right reasons

Sadly, we have descended so far. And have a long way to go to get back on track. 

And a cheesy, fucking Chinese-made red golf cap won’t help one bit.

Let's hope we remember exactly when America was great on November 5th.

(Pardon the different typefaces and poor formatting. I wrote this piece in MS Word and imported it. t got all messed up. And I don't have the wherewithal nor the will to fix it.)

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