Thursday, November 17, 2022

testy, testy 1...2...

Had an interesting chat with my boss yesterday? And the topic of retirement came up. Not because he's trying to push me out or anything. I wasn't handed a Musk-like memo that said, "You either go hardcore or you can go home."

He was just wondering.

To be honest, I'm wondering too. If I retired I'd have a great deal more time to spend with my daughters. More time with friends. More time to glean wisdom from Ms. Muse. And much, much more time to spend with myself. 

That's the dealbreaker. I would drive me crazy.

That's when Peter, let's call him Peter because that the name on his driver's license, had a suggestion. 

"I understand the need to always be making something. That's what drives the creative psyche. So why not use the platform (R17) you've built over 13 years and accumulated 8 possibly 9 regular readers, and branch out to do a podcast?" 

That was a head scratcher, particularly since I had just dragged a crusty blade across my scalp and was feeling a tad itchy. Note to self: re-up order of Dollar Shave Club (my alma mater) 4 and 6 blade packages.

Truth is, I've given the podcast thing some thought in the past. And have appeared on several podcasts, including one with Rob Schwartz (my former TV writing partner), with Barry Fiske ( former colleague and fellow Orangeman), and with Pete Turner, a seasoned Afghan Veteran who spent 7 years in combat if I'm not mistaken.

Pete even has a side business where he sets novice podcasters up with the equipment and the tips and tricks of the trade. 

How hard can it be? You set the microphone up and talk into the bulbous end. Talk or rant. Or spew. Or rail. Or riff. Or unload. Or vent. Or string some words together that somehow manifest Howard Beale from Network fame..."I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!"

Hell, if the ad industry's leading xenophobe and DEI poo-poo'er can do it so can I.

What say you Roundseventeen readers? (just a little market research before I go any further)

Also, in terms of potential names, do any of these make you all tingly?


Curmudgeon's Corner

The Hurl

Audio Lava

CrankyShorts (I'd go with Cranky Pants, but I rarely wear Pants anymore)


Unknown said...

I'd listen in, so that's one. And I'd go with TakeSeventeen as the name, to continue the theme behind the branding.

Anonymous said...

Love Hurl!

Théo said...

The Kvetch Republic

Anonymous said...

The Hurl

glenn said...

Pod17 is good

I listen to a lot of podcasts

something that's short and sweet (or bitter) would be most welcome - a lot of the ones I listen to are 60m + and it gets to be a lot

you doing a singular rant like your blog posts, would be great

Hank Shaw said...

Pod17 or Take17. Whatever. I'll listen to it just to improve my slam-down vocabulary.


Having tried it and given up almost immediately, it turns out to be way more work than you expect unless you have a producer. Also, despite all the hype, the audience for these things is annoyingly small. It is fun, though. If you have the time and inclination, why not?