Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Bodega Boys

I ended yesterday's post with a promise to bring back some funny. And today I'm doing just that. By bringing your attention to Desus and Mero, two of the funniest guys on TV.

I'm probably way late to the Desus and Mero phenomena. I mean let's face it, when it comes to young, way-too-hip street culture, I'm not the first person you would consult. Nevertheless, I discovered these  two guys while channel surfing and stuck around, mostly because of their unmistakable charisma and their highly contagious laughter.

These guys crack each other up. Mostly with inside baseball wisecracks about rappers, sneakers, and a whole assortment of references I haven't a clue about. And I'll be the first to admit I miss a 70% percent of the jokes. But as a testament to their wit and charm, the 30% I do get are enough to keep this old, bald  64 year old Jew entertained.

Also it doesn't help that they speak so fast and under each other's laughing that I can't hear half of what they're saying.

I know the big draw to the show, at least for me, is the Big Apple Authenticity. Their love of the City is just not something that cannot be faked. Even after living in Southern California for 40 years, I will always be a New Yorker, born in the Bronx, raised in Queens and relocated to Suffern after my brother got mugged and jumped by 4 guys in Flushing.

I know many of you who read this blog are huge fans of George Tannenbaum's blog. He is much more poetic and prosaic in his Praise of Gotham. But what I find most interesting is that his worship of the City That Never Sleeps is not all that different than the affection shared by Desus and Mero. 

It's the same diamond but in a different ring setting. And to me they're both beautiful in their own genuine way.

Here's a clip I found on YouTube that should make it clearer. By the way, from now on I'm gonna watch the show with the closed captioning.


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