Monday, March 30, 2020

Places not to be and people not to see

If you're like me you've been spending a great deal of time at your computer screen.

I'm here at my desk for work, spotty as it is, but also for my sanity. As my wife and two daughters are holed up the living room watching Tiger King, which I understand was a project spearheaded by my old friend and former film colleague, Chris Smith.

The snippets I have caught have a distinctively Chris "let's turn over this crazy rock and see what's under it" Smith feel to it.

In any case, as it is Monday and it looks like we still have a long way to go in this CV crisis, I thought I'd share some the more interesting links I've discovered in my pointless journey across the interwebs.


For obvious reasons there's this informative, interactive site that teaches you some interesting training techniques for not touching your face. You'll need an operable web camera to use the site as well a fully functioning door to secure your privacy.


Here's another interesting site and it comes to us from across the pond. Not the little pond. The Pacific, the big pond. Maybe it's because my father used to bring home books on Japanese kitsch. But I have an odd fascination for oddly fascinating things from Japan. And China. And Korea. Particularly North Korea.


While we're on this art kick, check out these amazing images made with just a single stroke of a pencil. I have no idea how these are done but can only imagine it takes copious amounts of coffee as as well as copious amounts of joint pain relief medicine.


You're going to thank me for this. By the time you get through all the incredible content on this website, which is really a compendium of ten other websites, we could be well past this coronavirus pandemic. When you finish all these videos, we'll all be laughing and group hugging and sitting down to a bowl of CV Fruit Loops. That's how far in the past this little nightmare will be. Enjoy.


Finally, there's endless horse. The name says it all. But wait to you see how it ends at the bottom.

Happy Time Killing!

1 comment:

Théo said...

In the 5th grade I drew intricate mazes with a Rapidograph pen and the lady in the office let me run them off on the mimeograph machine. My classmates were excited to get them, but probably just because they could breathe in the fresh mimeograph vapor.