Dear Justice Roberts,
It isn't everyday I find myself writing a letter to the Chief Justice of our once great United States of America. In fact, I've never written to the Supreme Court, perhaps because until recently I (we) had faith in the judiciary.
But that has vanished, faster than "Judge" Aileen Cannon can get on her knees and assume the sycophant position.
Which you, and the majority of the court, are no stranger to. That includes oily Justice Thomas or "Tom" as I call him, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harlan Crowe Industries.
Justice Alito, who when he isn't taking orders from his flag waving wife is knee deep in Goat Herder SkyDaddy fairy tales written some 2000-3000 years ago, depending on your, denomination.
And let's not forget the three legally bankrupt scoundrels appointed by a man who cannot name one seminal case adjudicated by the Supreme Court. Not one.
"Brown v. Covfefe?"
"Windmill v. Whale?"
"Steam v. Digital?"
"I'd like to use of one of my lifelines, Regis."
I feel sorry for Justices Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayer, whose names will go down in history alongside you and your band of integrity-free judicial cretins.
Under your underwhelming reign we have seen Dark Money drop a turd in our democratic punchbowl. We've seen the elimination of women's reproductive rights, largely by judges who swore under oath that Roe v. Wade was sacrosanct.
And we've have witnessed the greatest failure of our justice system in 243+ years of American history. All on your watch. You had better smile now because 100 years from now historians will look at how you delayed every ruling regarding the Special Prosecutor's rock solid case against the most evil, UnAmerican President to ever cross the threshold at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
They will ask, "What were they thinking? What constitutional basis did they cite to grant an ex-president immunity for stealing Top Secret documents? For twisting the arms of Georgia state election officials? And for knowingly and intentionally setting up false electors in order to STEAL an election?"
I'm no lawyer (though I did exceedingly well on the LSAT and decided there was more truthfulness in advertising than there was in law) but there's irrefutable evidence that your Court was and is the absolute worst of the 112 justices who have ever donned the robes.
You have disgraced yourself. And the country.
All is not lost, however. You can be sure that your final resting place will be continually irrigated by the nitrogen rich urine of Americans who you have so intentionally failed.
A. Fullbladder
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