Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Photo Funnies


The last time I did a Thursday Photo Funnies -- about a month ago -- one faithful reader commented that he rather enjoyed the series. Which is odd because I only run these when I have run out of ideas or get tired of listening to myself drone on about the same thing, the demise of our democracy.

I'll come clean here and admit I'm feeling quite anxious about America. 

Made even more so after I watched a documentary, Bad Faith, about the ascent of Christian Nationalism. Yesterday, Josh Hawley, a sitting US Senator proclaimed himself a Christian Nationalist. Aren't these the same folks who rail against minorities being led by identity politics?

One of the Christian preachers said, on camera, in front of a church of his followers...

" me that means Let's Go Burn Them," to the cheers and laughter of his congregation. Adding, "Oh I'm sorry, LGBTQ...Let's Go Burn Them Quickly."

Isn't that nice?

I've digressed. Let's get to the photos, found randomly on my iPhone, and a little levity. 


Seen at the local Culver City Goodwill store. 
A box full of Three Stooges dolls.
They didn't offer a volume discount, so I demured. 

A rare day in the hammock at my Palm Springs airbnb. 
I know I have really ugly toes, but I also have a hammock.

An entire building dedicated to bringing home the Israeli hostages,
kidnapped on October 7th. Of last year!

In addition to the hammock, I also have a new
LG 22 cubic foot refrigerator. The fixing up of my 
uncle's old house never ends. Never.

Most locales have one sister city. Culver City has 4. 
If I had to visit one, it would be in Italy. I haven't eaten pasta or pizza since
Clinton was in office.

Wasn't sure what to make of this until I read the other
bumper stickers. #Irony, well executed.

The latest in the I Wish He Were Dead Collection.

Rubber snakes, purchased online to ward off
the squirrels, rats and critters, trying to steal my garden produce.

Not sure it's working. This is all have to show for my efforts.
Barely enough for a thimble full of salsa.

I may not have been blessed with a Green Thumb,
but I have been blessed with Ms. Muse.

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