Monday, July 8, 2024

Mmmm, Niman Ranch Bacon Ends (whatever that means)

How was your Independence Day celebration? I hope it was good because it may be your last, thanks to circumstances that are beyond anyone's control, hence beyond belief. 

With the rising demagoguery of a presidential candidate vying for the office of Dictator and the continuing dissolution of laws that once set America on a path of its own, we and generations to follow, are most certainly doomed.

So I'm showing you a picture of my breakfast over this festive long weekend.

I'm not much of an Instagram kind of guy, so you'll have to excuse my ineptitude in the arena. 

This feast pictured above is the San Luis Sunrise. It was concocted at the Hidden Kitchen restaurant in Cayucos, CA, a sleepy beach town, in the iconic fashion of sleepy California beach towns of a bygone era. Hippies, dippies, tattoos, surfboards and women with so many piercings they have been put on No Fly Lists.

According to the no nonsense menu, the Sunrise (as locals call it) consists of free range eggs, Niman Ranch Bacon Ends, avocado and HK sauce. What they don't mention is that it sits on a Blue Corn Tortilla waffle. Which precludes any need for breakfast breads. 

Not just for this meal but for all to follow.

Astute readers will note that I wrote about the Hidden Kitchen in October 2022. 

Even more astute readers will note that Foothillian former LA Times columnist Chris Erskine, the poet laureate of Pasadena, as it were, also wrote lovingly about the Hidden Kitchen in July of 2023

In the newspaper vernacular of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, you could say I scooped Chris. 

But that would be unfair as Yelp readers have been glowing about this place for ages, as it amassed 4.7 out of 5 stars. I must assume the one naysayer must have had a local seagull poop on his or her waffle in the outdoor patio that looks out over the foggy coast of Central California.

If you do decide to go to the Hidden Kitchen, and I wish you wouldn't because the line to get in is already way too long, here's what to look for...

But you have to look hard because in addition to serving incredibly imaginative and word-worthy food the place lives up to its name.

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