Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday Photo Funnies

As  you can see from my trusty Apple Watch, semi-retired life agrees with me. When you burn close to 2000 calories in a day you can double up on salmon for dinner. And maybe 1/2 a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.

In addition to the biking, weight lifting and regular swimming (it's so addictive), I've substantially upped my walking. I like to go out just before the sun sets. Maybe it's because I spent a lifetime hanging with art directors, but that light is truly golden. 

Also, because of the pesky Southern California marine layer, it's often the only time we get full sunlight.

This excessive cardio activity has left me exhausted today. And my new dishwasher is scheduled to be installed, so my brain is in no shape to do some heavy clicking and clacking on the keyboard. 

Alas, it's onto the Thursday Photo Funnies: 

I have a fascination with transformer boxes. I love 
this one. Look closely and you can see 
the guy who installed it trying to duck out of the way.

My daughters abhor my taste in art for the Palm Springs airbnb.
Almost bought this spiny hedgehog at a local desert finery, 
but the price was prohibitive.
Perhaps for the best. Dinsdale

I'm constantly on the lookout for kitschy furniture.
$200 a pop for molded plastic! Not today, Kyle.

My new and often-mentioned Mustang Mach E California Edition.
You can feel the electricity. (sorry, I'm tired)

Since the Halloween decorations never came down,
my neighbors improvised and Easter-ed them.

Those ubiquitous Baby on Board decals 
have been updated for the 2020's.
Back the fuq up!

Last time I had my Chakras activated 
everything I ate tasted like tuna fish salad.

Went to a Chiat reunion last week and
saw my old, creative director/mentor Tony Stern.
Although you could mistake him for my dad.

I added a poolside hammock to the Mojo Dojo Desert Casa House.
Why haven't you inquired yet?

And finally... Fuck this guy.


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