Thursday, July 6, 2023

I made a thing

Unable to contain my rage at all the recent findings by our Not-So-Supreme Court, I put together this little meme depicting the 9 justices.

Like so many of my other political memes, it got a few chuckles and upvotes on my social media platforms.

Unlike so many (so, so many) other examples of my handiwork however, this one went crazy viral on Facebook. 

It caught me totally by surprise. To be honest, I think I've done better. I'm not referring to the Photoshop work, which we can all agree is shabby and quite amateurish. I'm a writer by trade and don't have the patience or the necessary brain space to remember all the processes and buttons one must push to make something visually appealing.

These days, I can barely remember where I put the recyclable storage poop bags that attach to the dog leash. And trust me, you don't want to pick up Lucy's business with a found Culver City driveway Pennysaver Newspaper.

No, I think I struck viral gold -- now at more than 13,000 shares on Facebook -- because I tapped into a common agreement that the Court is acting in its own interest and not the interests of the American people.

It started with Dobb's and the archaic decision to roll back Roe v. Wade, a landmark case that granted women sovereignty over their own bodies. If any of you were paying attention, you might remember the three Trump appointees steadfastly stated they would not seek to overturn Roe. However, as faithful and sycophantic residents of Trumpworld, their word has all the value of a Putin promise not to exact revenge. 

How is the GOP, the party of individual liberty and personal rights, OK with that? Here's what I have to say on that, "your religion might prohibit abortion but mine doesn't. My religion prohibits eating certain shell fish, you don't see me blocking you from going into Red Lobster, do you?"

Also, "Don't like abortion? Don't get one."

End of story.

That disastrous ruling was followed by another, in a phantom case (that had no standing), ruling that a woman in Colorado could refuse her publicly available services to a gay couple based on her myopic religious beliefs. It's funny how the GOP sees slippery slopes in anything that pertains to gun rights but never when it comes to do with civil rights.

Could this same woman refuse her services to an interracial couple seeking to get married based on her religious nonsense? BTW, did you know anti-miscegenation laws were still on the books in Alabama up until 23 years ago. And more than 1/2 million Alabama residents voted against eliminating that law


This country is so backwards I'm inclined to believe we need to MAGFO, Make America Great For Once.

All this meshuganah business was capped off by the Court's decision not to relieve our nation's college graduates of the staggering loan debt they have accumulated. A move that would put money back into the hands of our future leaders and actually improve their standard of living. Full disclosure, that includes my two daughters, recent graduates of UW, University of Washington, and UC, University of Colorado.

Funny how nobody has ever challenged the massive subsidies we give to Big Oil, Big AG, Big Pharma and Wall Street. Maybe a challenge has been issued, but it has never reached the Supreme Court. I guess it's only important when it affects real people, the ones don't own yachts or vacation homes. 

Or don't flaunt their wealth by challenging other wealth hoarders to meet in a cage match.

BTW, my money is on Zuckerberg, but I wouldn't mind if the match goes on for quite a while and they both get bloodied to a pulp and way beyond recognition. 

That's some cause for optimism.


UPDATE: As many of you know, I write these posts in advance. I do that in order to keep up with my incredibly busy schedule as a Man of Semi-Leisure. Did I say the meme had 13,000 Facebook shares? Well that was a few days ago, as of 5:01 AM this morning, the total is upwards of 19,000 shares. If one were to do the math, as I often like to do...

If 1000 people shared my handiwork and each of them had 100 Facebook friends that would be 100,000 views.

If another 1000 of that 100,000 had a sense of humor and shared my obviously dead on correct depiction of the highest court in the land with their 1000 FB friends, that would mean 10 million people would have had the smallest glimpse into Siegelworld.

And if one of those millions upon millions of people would just hire me to do their schlocky online advertising, I'd have enough money to hire a decent housekeeper who was willing to clean the baseboards and scrub the parts of the toilet bowl I simply can't reach anymore.  

Is that too much to ask? Apparently, it is. 


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