Monday, June 26, 2023

Mad as Hell


If you are of a certain age, you no doubt recognize Peter Finch, the actor portraying Howard Beal in the movie Network. 

If you're not of a certain age, you really haven't been exposed to movie making and instead have probably filled your gut with empty calories from the Marvel Universe. And other explosive nonsense that amounts to a cinematic bukake.

I bring up this iconic scene because I just returned home from swimming and came across the homeless bum who attacked me. If you are of the crunchy persuasion and believe we need to shower these people with compassion and understanding and federally-built million dollar townhomes, you might want to stop reading right here. 

Right now.

I'm not in that camp. And my confrontation, which almost resulted in the exchange of punches, should be self explanatory. 

Last week, I was walking home from Sony Studios, where I joined fellow writers in taking a stand against corporate greed. Suddenly, without any provocation, this mentally-addled bum came rushing at me and started flailing his arms and his ratty coat in my direction.

"Get outtahere, you fucking NATZI (sp)!" he shouted.

I quickly dodged his fists and his coat, which hadn't been cleaned since Charles Manson (his doppelganger) was roaming the streets of LA.

Moments later, when I safely returned to my house, I was on the phone with the Po-Po. They told me they would search for the man (who they knew from previous encounters) and pick him up for a 72 hour cognizance hold. Less than 48 hours later I saw him again. 

And according to neighbors on the always entertaining NextDoor app., he is a well known entity. And has, again, without provocation, attacked fellow Culverians...Culvercites...innocent people!

In other words, he lives here, but doesn't live here.

In other other words, this monster has more rights than you or I do. 

If for instance, I strolled onto Camden Drive and accosted a well-heeled woman on the streets -- never making physical contact -- but accosted her, I have no doubt I'd be in stainless steel handcuffs and carted off to Beverly Hills' least accommodating accommodations.

But, because this schmuck has poor fighting ability and a wild haymaker that could not land, he gets a free pass.

It's enough to make this radical, left leaning, Marxist want to throw on a Red Hat and scream out for the Gazpacho Police to round these people up. 

OK, maybe not. But it does call to mind the abject failure of our political leaders -- on both sides of the aisle -- to frikkin' do something about this. I shouldn't have to be looking over my shoulder while walking in my neighborhood, where I pay exorbitant taxes, play by the rules and respect my neighbors.

Now I feel ashamed. That's a piss poor rant on my part.

Take it away, Howard.

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