Thursday, February 9, 2023

Letter from a Communist

I don't know whether you heard it or not, but apparently I'm a Communist. 

Before you go reaching for that musket or worse, the Unsubscribe button, you ought to take a good look in the mirror, Comrade. Because if you're not on-board with the All-MAGA, All-Cretinist agenda, chances are, you're a Communist too.

It seems every time I pick up a newspaper, read a book, see an interview with the intellectually-challenged  folks on the right, they're always tossing about the Communist or Marxist or Radical Leftist pejorative. Even odder, since many Red Hats are also unabashed Russophiles -- OG birthplace of the Bolshevik movement.

Odder still, since if you challenged the New Cretinists on the right, including Boebert, Greene, Gosar, Lake, Gaetz, Clyde, Tuberville, et al., I'm sure they haven't a clue as to what defines a Communist.

Nor could they identify Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin or even Marx. 

Speaking of Stalin, someone posted this on my Facebook page the other day and I could not help see my own face in the likeness of Uncle Joe.

At this point, I feel I should cop to the fact my grandparents on my father's side hailed from Western Belarus and did harbor some extreme leftist views. Not at all surprising since they were working class people and tired of their station in life. 

Not surprisingly, when they came to the US, they fought mightily for unions and worker's rights. My grandmother, it is rumored, was a card carrying Bolshevik. And a boisterous Shop Steward in the sewing mills.

None of which justifies the name calling we are treated to on the nightly news. 

It's even more laughable when it comes from the ideologically-bereft schmuck we used to call our President. Here is a silver spoon buffoon, who, starting at 3rd base in the Game of Life, has built an "empire" by sucking at the teat of government welfare.

We, the people, via Chapter 11, have bailed out close to a dozen of his failed businesses.

We, the people, have financed his father's (now his) properties with federal, state and local grants, much of it ill-gotten.

And we, the people, have poured millions, and billions (Jared), of dollars into his enterprises via the pay-for-play corrupt practices of his administration.

Lest anyone forget, he also "fell in love" with Kim Jong Un, the world's most ruthless Communist.

Anyway, that's all I've got to say on the matter. 

This Communist has to get back to work. Back to fueling the engines of Capitalism. With advertising that sparks consumption. And puts revenue in the hands of industry. And grows the economy. And enables the masses to own flat screen TVs, air fryers, custom-crafted Cornhole sets, and semi-automatic assault weapons like the AR-15.

God Bless America.


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