Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sterling work

I know that when people, whether they be industry colleagues or just friends and family, think of stylish design, tasty lines and a clean modern aesthetic, my name is hardly the first to come to mind. 

Not once have I passed a crowd on a busy sidewalk, you know in Pre-Covid times, and caught someone whispering, "There goes a sharp dressed man." Like my buddy Paul, I'm only seen in cargo shorts, t-shirt and flip flops. Even in the frigid month of February, compliments of my Southern California locale.

On a good day, I can name you 10 artists. 5 popular musicians. And absolutely not one iconic maker of designer shoes.

Nevertheless, I'm going to venture outside my comfort zone and introduce you to woman who is fluent in all of the above. 

Her name is Jennifer Sterling. 

Like many of the people on my Facebook/Linkedin list of friends/followers, I don't know Jennifer. 

I do know that when she posts her latest, mostly graphics in motion I find myself staring at them. Admiring the complexity turned simple. And allowing myself to become somewhat hypnotized by the flowing pixels.

It hasn't just happened once. 

It happens every time.

Her work has a certain Kandinsky meets Calder meets Bauhaus type of feel to it. And that's as far as I plan on dipping my toe into the pool of pretension.

Last week she posted the visual seen above for the Michael Graves School of Architecture. Keep in mind I've seen the concept of type turned into visual before, I think most of us have, but this one struck me as genuinely organic to the brand.

And so I felt compelled to introduce you to her work, which can be seen and experienced here.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll be on a project and be able to throw some work her way.

And if I can't, maybe you should.

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