Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I don't need a gun, I need an updated passport

Earlier this week a friend of a friend, argued on Facebook (naturally) that had German Jews armed themselves they could have effectively warded off the Nazi persecution and subsequent genocide. 

It should be added that friendship is showing some very public signs of daily fraying, just more divisiveness brought to us by the outgoing LOSER president.

The notion that personal firearms, in the hands of doctors, dentists, musicians, lawyers, scientists and Talmudic scholars could have prevented the Holocaust is gravely insulting at best. Sounds like someone ought to stop depending on Quinton Tarantino movies for their history lessons.

It also displays a glaring ignorance of the slow moving rise of the Third Reich. German National Socialists did not come to power overnight and suddenly decide, these hardworking, often successful people who had been living in Eastern Europe for centuries and made mighty contributions to civilized society, have got to be rounded up and exterminated. Immediately.

So when, I asked this clueless ammosexual clod, when should my ancestors have started locking and loading?

In the early 1920's when anti-Jewish songs could be heard in any beer hall, from Frankfurt to Munich? 

In the early 1930's when the Nazis came to power, in a very legal and binding manner, and started passing race related laws?

In the late 1930's when propaganda and the incitement ("It's gonna be wild", "Stand back and stand by" and "Very Fine People") to violence came from the highest offices in the land? 

When exactly should these butchers and bakers and candlestick makers have taken out their pea shooters and unloaded on the most militarized nation on the face of the planet? When should the 475, 000 Jews in Germany have turned on the 67 million who had been whipped up to a murderous frenzy?

He did not have an answer. Just a glib deflection reflecting his glib, "Have gun will solve any problem" attitude.

If I sound mad, it's because I am. 

I am still shaken from the events of last week. And my blood boils with the revelation of more and more video coming from our modern day American Putsch. Including some "very fine people", inside our nation's capitol screaming in unison, "Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence". 

Moreover they brought the rope and handbuilt galley to do so.

And if that were not bad enough, you have dedicated seat warming Red Hats, who didn't board the busses for the DC rally but have no problem minimizing, deflecting or otherwise condoning this unAmerican Bullshit from afar.

Last week my love of America was diminished.

Because last week I got a good hard look at many of my fellow Americans. 

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