Thursday, December 19, 2024

Vocational Thursday Photo Funnies

As the 8 loyal readers of RoundSeventeen know I often give myself a break from the many, many hours it takes me to scratch out three barely readable blog posts every week. That mini-vacation takes the form of a stroll the thousands of photos I have on my iPhone. 

Not normal photos, mind you. I have an eye for the weird and unconventional. Perhaps brought about by the odd art books my father would bring home from his workdays in NYC. He had a taste for Kitsch. 

He never encouraged my career goals in the arts, as it were, and always stressed the need for a solid profession that would  yield financial independence. We often fought about that. But, willingly or not, he did cultivate in me an appreciation for the weird.

And I was fortunate enough to land a career that accommodated that. And produced semi-financial independence. Mmmm, social security checks.

With that, I thought it'd be fun to look at all the skills I have on my somewhat perfunctory LinkedIn page...

Mea Culpa: I don't really have any knowledge of Sewer Design.
But my brother was once the financial comptroller
of a small company in the Valley that produced
manhole covers. That's close enough.

Years ago we shot about a dozen spots with the new Uncle Ben.
We made him the CEO of the company. In one spot we see Ben 
carefully trimming a bonsai tree in order to cope
with the high stress of running a rice company. We even
had a bonsai consultant on set. So, there.

In the pre-Trump days I went to town on Kim Jung Un.
So yeah, I consider myself knowledgable and skilled on the 
topic of North Korea, aka DPRK.
I know nothing about anything else on this list.

Gas processing, need I say more?

As the grandson and son of former cab drivers in NYC,
I take great pride in my Parallel Parking.
With 360 degree top down view on my Mustang Mach E,
my PP game is "on fleek."
Do people still say that?

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