Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Take Two Tide Pods and call me in the morning"

I have been off the Trump Train for more than a month now. And I'm starting to feel the toxins leaving my body. I'm convinced they're gathered in dormant hair follicles adjacent to my eardrums. They are now sprouting. Requiring excessive maintenance and pruning. But that's for another day.

While I've maintained radio silence, relative, about President Ramblemouth, it is impossible not see what is going on at the level below him -- his cabinet and his kakistocratic cabinet picks.

In his previous regime we saw how Captain Ouchie Foot weaponized the DOJ. He went through three separate Attorney Generals including Matt Whitaker, a former toilet salesman who sold bowls for men with ouchie mama penile equipment. 

Oh yeah, Google it if you don't believe me.

He also weaponized the military, pitting upper brass, men and women who paid their dues and rose up through the ranks because of their superior service and adherence to the Constitution, against the grunts. All of whom by the way, he considers Suckers & Losers.

And now, with the selection of RFK Jr., a man with substantial brain damage, thanks to an insatiable head worm, to be in charge of our nation's medical care, we are seeing the weaponization of our health. 

This is hardly surprising. 

If you'll recall at the very beginning of the Pandemic (I'm sorry, the Democrat Hoax that took the lives of more than a million Americans) pundits were saying this could be the crisis that spelled the end for the Tiny Fingered Vulgarian. The pundits, all of them wrong, reasoned that there would be no way to fight Covid without the expertise of Dr. Fauci, a man who had honorably served the USA for more than 50 years.

But instead of making the virus Public Enemy #1, our esteemed Shitgibbon turned his cross hairs on Fauci. Resulting in more chaos. The suggestion that we drink bleach. And death threats against Fauci and his family.

Now with the appointment of a nut job who saws the heads off whales, eats roadkill bear, and claims that heroin can be a performance enhancing substance, we are seeing the continuation of a deadly and completely illogical platform. 

Illogical to us that is. 

It makes perfect sense for a delusional God/Man to further divide us and pit people with legitimate medical expertise against Red Hats who believe "Daddy will take care of us."

It is one more step towards the Total Negation of Truth.

"Brawndo's got what plants need."

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