Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday Photo Funnies

I can't keep up with other bloggers who post 5 times a week, without fail. I prefer the more civil work (if you can call it that) schedule, the ones chosen by the writers on late night talk shows. The Monday thru Thursday lazy man's regimen of funny business. 

Hopefully, funny.

And even on that curtailed routine, I often run out of gas and must defer to my semi-regular series of photojournalism (if you can call it that.)

So let's get to it before the pain meds (see yesterday's post) kick in and I'm napping in the man cave. 

I suspect this is AI, but a man can dream can't he?

This is some local artwork found on my nightly walk 
to the Jackson Market-- home of the best ciabatta pannini, which
I can't eat anymore.

As noted above, I've eschewed bread-y foods
for more fruits and vegetables, like the ones
I can grow in my garden. 

Worst birthday cake inscription ever, 
compliments of Schatt's bakery in Bishop.
Fortunately, my daughter (Schmabby) has a 
great sense of humor 
and loved it.

Zoom in for the Tusker Beer Logo, a Kenyan beer. 
My oldest daughter spent 5 months there.
For 5 months I couldn't breathe.

Some sample art pieces on exhibit from the Wendt Museum.
They have some very unusual stuff.
I like unusual.

We don't have flying cars yet, but we do have driverless Waymos.
These things still freak me out.

If my Cannondale Super Evo 6 bike had fenders,
I'd want one of these too. 

Yeah, right?

Did I mention I've been doing yoga lately?
Don't bother turning the picture over, it's not me.

I didn't get my daughter's permission to use this photo
but they don't read my blog, so it doesn't matter.

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